About the Department

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) at NPRCET was started in the year 2008 under the affiliation of Anna University. The department has an intake of 60 students in Under Graduate program and an intake of 9 in the Post Graduate M.E-VLSI Design program. The department’s laboratories are well equipped where need-based and demanded training has been provided. Students gain a strong theoretical understanding and practical experience in the field of efficient reliable software and hardware to meet the industrial requirements. In our department, we have 6 laboratories and high-speed internet (100 Mbps) to precede state-of-the-art facilities for carrying out projects in Embedded Technology, VLSI Design, Digital Signal Processing, and Wireless Communication. Exclusive Centre of Excellence for IoT and Embedded Technology supported by Tessolve Semiconductors Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore is available. The faculty members are highly qualified and dedicated. They have excellent teaching skills to develop their students with employability skills. The Department of ECE has received 22 University ranks in Anna University Examinations till now. The department is recognized as a Research Centre by Anna University, Chennai.

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Sanctioned Intake: B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering

S. No. Academic Year Intake
1 2008-2009 60
2 2009-2010 60
3 2010-2011 60
4 2011-2012 120
5 2012-2013 120
6 2013-2014 120
7 2014-2015 120
8 2015-2016 120
9 2016-2017 120
10 2017-2018 120
11 2018-2019 120
12 2019-2020 120
13 2020-2021  120
14 2021-2022 120
15 2022-2023 60
16  2023-2024  60
17 2024-2025 120


Vision & Mission


  • To impart quality technical education and nurture excellence to meet the impending challenges in emerging technologies


  • To instill the thirst for advancement in Electronics and Communication technologies to address the social needs.

  • To increase industrial interaction to ascertain prevailing technologies.

  • To inculcate ethics and transform lives through value-based education.

  • To enhance analytical and practical skills to solve real-time problems in the society.

Programs Offered

  • B.E - Electronics and Communication Engineering
  • M.E - VLSI Design
  • Ph.D. - Information and Communication Engineering


Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Graduates of the Electronics and Communication Engineering Program will be able

PEO1 To have a successful career in academia or industries associated with Electronics and Communication Engineering or as an entrepreneur.
PEO2 To build solutions or systems of varying complexity with strong fundamental concepts and advanced techniques.
PEO3 To analyze existing literature in an area of specialization and ethically develop innovative and research-oriented methodologies to solve real-time problems.


Program Outcomes (POs)

Engineering Graduates will be able to: 

PO1 Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems. 
PO2 Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences. 
PO3 Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, and cultural, societal, and environmental considerations. 
PO4 Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions. 
PO5 Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations. 
PO6 The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7 Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development. 
PO8 Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice. 
PO9 Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings. 
PO10 Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions. 
PO11 Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments. 
PO12 Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

At the end of the program, 

PSO1 Our students will be highly proficient in Electronic circuits, Embedded and communication systems, and able to find solutions for real-time complexities.
PSO2 Our students will be able to utilize MATLAB, and Xilinx tools and techniques to develop innovative research ideas for new applications.

HoD Profile

Professor and Head of the Department,
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
NPR College of Engineering and Technology, Natham.

Email: mohanbabug@nprcolleges.org

Dr. G. Mohanbabu currently serves as the Professor and Head of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at NPR College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from MVJ College of Engineering, Bangalore University, Bangalore, and a Master's degree in Applied Electronics from RVS College of Engineering and Technology, Anna University, Chennai. In 2014, he earned his PhD in Information and Communication Engineering from Anna University, Chennai.

With 23 years of teaching experience in esteemed institutions, he has delivered more than 10 keynote and plenary talks at national-level conferences and technical symposiums. He has conducted numerous technical workshops and seminars to enhance the technical skills of students. To foster industrial exposure, he organized internships for students in various industries.

He is a senior member of the IEEE and a lifetime member of ISTE and filed 5 patents, out of which 1 patent has been granted by IPR. His research interests encompass signal processing, antenna design, and machine learning. He has authored over 40 research papers published in Scopus and SCI-indexed peer-reviewed journals. Under his guidance, 8 scholars have successfully completed their PhDs, while 7 scholars (both part-time and full-time) are currently pursuing their PhDs across various domains. He serves as a reviewer for 4 refereed International Journals and acts as an Advisory Board Member in various esteemed institutions.

He served as a mentor for the Smart India Hackathon software edition 2023, where one of his teams emerged victorious in the national-level competition held in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.


S. No. Name Qualifications Designation Email ID  
1 Dr. G. MOHANBABU M.E., Ph.D. PROFESSOR & HEAD mohanbabug@nprcolleges.org View Profile
2 Dr.A.GOPI SAMINATHAN M.E., Ph.D. PROFESSOR gopisaminathan@nprcolleges.org View Profile
3 Dr.M.AMEENA BANU M.E., Ph.D., PROFESSOR ameenabanum@nprcolleges.org  View Profile
4 Dr.S.M.VIJAYARAJAN M.E., Ph.D. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR vijayarajan@nprcolleges.org View Profile
5 Mrs.T.ESTHER M.E., (Ph.D.) ASSISTANT  PROFESSOR esther@nprcolleges.org View Profile
6 Mr.K.JAYAPRAKASAM M.E., (Ph.D.) ASSISTANT  PROFESSOR jeya@nprcolleges.org View Profile
7 Mr.J.G.SABARISH M.E ASSISTANT  PROFESSOR sabarish@nprcolleges.org View Profile
8 Mr.S.SUDHAKAR M.E., (Ph.D.) ASSISTANT  PROFESSOR sudhakar@nprcolleges.org View Profile
9 Mrs.C.KANNIKA PARAMESHWARI M.E., (Ph.D.) ASSISTANT  PROFESSOR kannika@nprcolleges.org View Profile
10 Mr.P.ABDUL SAMAD M.E ASSISTANT  PROFESSOR abdulsamadp@nprcolleges.org View Profile
11 Mr.S.ALLWYN ANAND M.E ASSISTANT  PROFESSOR allwynanands@nprcolleges.org View Profile
12 Mr.S.AYYAPPAN M.E ASSISTANT  PROFESSOR ayyappans@nprcolleges.org View Profile
13 Mrs.P.JEYALAKSHMI M.E., (Ph.D.) ASSISTANT  PROFESSOR jeyalakshmip@nprcolleges.org View Profile
14 Mrs.S.NARKEES BEGAM M.E ASSISTANT  PROFESSOR narkeesbegams@nprcolleges.org View Profile
15 Mr.A.G.PARANTHAMAN M.E ASSISTANT  PROFESSOR paranthamanag@nprcolleges.org View Profile


Non-Teaching Faculty

S. No. Name Qualification Designation Email ID
1 Mr.S.Arun Pandi DEEE Lab Technician arupandi@nprcolleges.org
2 Mrs.S.Senthil Vagitha Ramani DECE ramani@nprcolleges.org
3 Mr.P.Ramesh DECE rameshp@nprcolleges.org
4 Ms.R.Kiruthika B.E(ECE) kiruthikar@nprcolleges.org


List of Faculties Pursuing Ph.D.

S. No. Name Designation University Month & Year of Registration Status
1 Mr.S.Sudhakar 

Assistant Professor

Anna University, Chennai

January, 2021 Provisional Confirmation
2 Mrs.C.Kannika Parameshwari July, 2021
3 Mr.K.Jayaprakasam  January, 2022
4 Mrs.T.Esther  March, 2021
5 Mrs.P.Jeyalakshmi July, 2023 Provisional Registration


Student Details

Academic Year 2023 - 2024

S. No. Year No. of Students  
1 I 63 View Students List
2 II 63 View Students List
3 III 83 View Students List
4 IV 46 View Students List

Professional Societies

Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering - Membership in Professional Societies

S. No. Name of the Society Membership Number Date of Establishment No. of faculty Members No. of Student Members
1 Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) Institutional Member IM2918 2020 6 -
2 The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) Life Organizational Member G00584 09.02.2021 9 136


Research Center

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering has been recognized as a Research Centre with effect from 03.05.2023 for a period of 3 years up to 26.06.2026.

Ph.D – Information & Communication Engineering

Dr.A.Gopi Saminathan – Supervisor Recognition Number:2740074
Area of Specialization – Wireless Sensor Networks

Department Advisory Committee

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering - DAC Members list for AY 2022-2023

S. No.  DAC Members Designation Company / Institution DAC Position
1 Dr. B. Maruthukannan Principal NPRCET IQAC Chairman
2 Dr.M.Ameena Banu Professor & Head, ECE NPRCET Chairman Academic Member
3 Dr.S.M.Vijayarajan Associate Professor, ECE NPRCET Department IQAC Co-ordinator
4 Mr. L. Gurusamy Product Manager Microtek International Pvt Ltd, Chennai Industry Expert
5 Mr.N.R.Balamurugan Managing Director MI Measuring Instruments, Madurai
6 Dr.P.Prakash Associate Professor,  MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai. Academic Expert
7 Dr.A.GopiSaminathan Professor, ECE NPRCET Academic Members
8 Dr.A.Kanimozhi Associate Professor, Maths NPRCET
9 Dr.P.S.Satheesh Kumar Professor, Physics NPRCET
10 Dr.K.Ramanan Professor & Head, CSE NPRCET
11 Dr.S.Paul Singarayar Associate Professor, Mech. NPRCET
12 Ms.S.Sangeetha - (2013-2017) Senior Software Engineer, Level2 Microsoft, Hyderabad Alumni
13 Mr.N.G.Balamurugan - (2014-2018) Data Scientist Deloitte, Bangalore
14 Ms.Meera Jaffrin IV - ECE NPRCET Student
15 Mr. N.S.Jacob Alphonse Vijayan Building Contractor - Parent


Curriculum & Syllabus

Course Outcomes

S. No. Batch Course Outcomes
1 2016-2020 View Course Outcomes
2 2017-2021 View Course Outcomes
3 2018-2022 View Course Outcomes
4 2019-2023 View Course Outcomes


Digital Course Materials

S. No. Year / Semester Name of the Subject Link
1 I/II Electrical Circuits and Instrumentation View Materials
2 Circuit Analysis View Materials
3 II/III Signals and Systems View Materials
4 II/IV Electromagnetic Fields View Materials
5 Digital Signal Processing View Materials
6 Communication Theory View Materials
7 III/V Discrete-Time Signal Processing View Materials
8 Satellite Communication View Materials
9 Digital Communication View Materials
10 Avionics Systems View Materials
11 Communication Networks View Materials
12 IV/VII Optical Communication View Materials
13 Embedded and Real-Time Systems View Materials


Lecture Videos

S. No. Year / Semester Name of the Subject Title NPTEL Links Link for Lecture Video
1 II/III Signals and Systems Signals and Systems View View
Introduction to Signal & system View View
Periodic and Aperiodic signals View View
Even and odd signals View View
Energy and power signals View View
Linear and Non-linear system View View
Time variant and time-invariant system View View
Static and dynamic system View View
2 Electronics Circuits - I Fixed Bias View View
Collector to Base Bias View View
Voltage Divider Bias View View
Bias Compensation View View
Bias using FET View View
3 Digital Principles and Computer Organization Instruction Set Architecture View View
4 II/IV Communication Theory Amplitude Modulation System View View
Modification of AM&DSB-SC View View
SSBSC AM View View
AM Generation and Detection View View
Superheterodyne Receiver View View
5 Linear Integrated Circuits Precision Rectifier View View
Clipper and Clamper View View
Comparator View View
Schmitt Trigger View View
6 Communication Engineering Communication Engineering View View
7 III/V Basics of Biomedical Instrumentation Introduction to Biomedical Instrumentation View View
Origin of biopotential View View
Electrodes View View
Basic Components Of Biomedical System View View
Recording Problems View View
8 Discrete-time Signal Processing Introduction to DSP View View
Properties of DFT View View
Fast Fourier Transform View View
Problem using DIT-FFT algorithm View View
Problem using DIF-FFT algorithm View View
9 III/V Satellite Communication Satellite Communication View View
10 4G/5G Communication Networks 5G Service based Architechture View View
11 VLSI and Chip Design CMOS Integrated Circuits View View
12 Avionics Systems Avionics Systems View View
13 Communication Networks Communication Networks View View
14 IV/VII Embedded and Real-Time Systems Embedded Programming View View
15 Industrial Safety Industrial Safety View View

Distinguished Alumni


Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering - Newsletter: SPANDORA

S. No. Academic Year Volumes Issues
1 2019-2020 Volume - I Issue - I
2 Issue - II
3 2020-2021 Volume - II Issue - I
4 Issue - II
5 2021-2022 Volume - III Issue - I
6 Issue - II
7 2022-2023 Volume - IV Issue - I
8 Issue - II



S. No. Name of the Industry/Organization Period of MoU Objective Outcome Status as of Date Cost involved if any
1 New Technology Mobile, Laptop Service and Training Institute, Coimbatore 15.02.2023 to 14.02.2028 (Five Years) To provide Internship/ IPT / Hands-on training for students Two days of hands-on training were provided to our students. Active -
2 Test and Verification Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. ( A subsidiary of Tessolve Semiconductor Pvt. Ltd.) Bangalore 15.10.2022 to 14.10.2025 (Three Years) 1. To establish a Centre of Excellence
2. To provide Internship/ IPT for students

1. 9 students had completed internships online.

2. One-week certificate training program on IOT/ Embedded Systems and VLSI design and verification has been completed
Active Sponsorship Amount  Rs.7,17,558/-
3 Bridge Bharath Council for Promotion of Innovation, Research and Entrepreneurship, Thanjavur. 14.05.2022 to 14.05.2025 (Three Years) To provide Internship/ IPT for students - Active -
4 Bright Technologies, Dindigul. 05.03.2021 to 05.03.2026 (Five years) To provide Internship/ IPT for students 5 students had completed an internship and In-plant training Active -
5 Vi-Microsystems Pvt. Ltd. Chennai. 03.03.2021 to 03.03.2024 (Three years) To provide Internship/ IPT for students 43 students had completed an internship and In-plant training Active -
6 Elysium Group of Companies, Madurai. 25.02.2021 to 25.02.2024 (Three years) To provide Internship/ IPT for students 36 students had completed an internship and In-plant training Active -


Technical Magazine

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering - Technical Magazine: MINDROID

S. No. Academic Year Volumes
1 2019-2020 Volume - I
2 2020-2021 Volume - II
3 2021-2022 Volume - III
4 2022-2023 Volume - IV