About the Department

Mechanical engineering is one of the oldest and broadest of engineering disciplines that apply engineering physics, engineering mathematics, and material science principles to design, analyze, manufacture, and maintain mechanical systems.

The Department of Mechanical Engineering was established in the year 2009 with an annual intake of 60 students. We have well-established and modernized laboratories with the latest technologies to enrich the knowledge of our students. We have a separate department library for the reference of faculty and students. We have well-qualified and dedicated faculty members to guide the students to develop their technical skills. The periodic maintenance activities of our lab assistants keep machinery fit and in good working condition.

Sanctioned Intake: B.E. Mechanical Engineering

S. No. Academic Year Intake
1 2009-2010 60
2 2010-2011 60
3 2011-2012 60
4 2012-2013 120
5 2013-2014 120
6 2014-2015 120
7 2015-2016 120
8 2016-2017 120
9 2017-2018 120
10 2018-2019 120
11 2019-2020 120
12 2020-2021 60
13 2021-2022 60
14 2022-2023 30
15 2023-2024 30
16 2024 - 2025 30


Vision & Mission


  • To Develop Qualified Mechanical Engineers to Compete with Evolving Industrial Challenges.


  • M1: To Impart Quality Education by Best Teaching Techniques.
  • M2: To Enhance Employability Skills Through Training Programs.
  • M3: To Develop Alliances with Global Industries to Cognize Prevailing Technologies.
  • M4: To Provide Direction on Life-Long Learning for Constructive Career.



Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering curriculum is designed to impart knowledge, skill, and attitude to the graduates to 

PEO1 Have a successful career in Mechanical Engineering and allied industries.
PEO2 Have expertise in the areas of Design, Thermal, Materials, and Manufacturing.
PEO3 Contribute towards technological development through academic research and industrial practices.
PEO4 Practice their profession with good communication, leadership, ethics, and social responsibility.
PEO5  Adapt evolving technologies through life-long learning.


Program Outcomes (POs)

PO1 Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems. 
PO2 Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences. 
PO3 Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, and cultural, societal, and environmental considerations. 
PO4 Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions. 
PO5 Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations. 
PO6 The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice. 
PO7 Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development. 
PO8 Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice. 
PO9 Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings. 
PO10 Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions. 
PO11 Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments. 
PO12 Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

At the end of the program, students will be able to

PSO1 Apply engineering knowledge in design & analysis tools to solve real-time problems in the areas of structural, thermal, and fluid mechanics.
PSO2 Acquire knowledge and undertake or execute projects in the area of modern materials and automobiles.

HoD Profile

Professor and Head of the Department,
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
NPR College of Engineering and Technology, Natham.

Email: sundararamanka@nprcolleges.org

Dr. K. A. Sundararaman graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai in 1998, and achieved an impressive 83.7 percentile in GATE-2002. He continued his academic journey by completing a Master's degree in Industrial Engineering from Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai in 2005, before obtaining his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Anna University, Chennai in 2017.

He has 18 years of teaching and research experience and developed a deep understanding of Mechanical engineering principles and their practical applications. His scholarly pursuits have been recognized with a substantial research grant of Rs. 17,96,780 as Principal Investigator under the AICTE Research Promotion Scheme in 2022.

His research interests primarily revolve around the modelling and optimization of computer-aided machining fixture layouts, as evidenced by his publications in prestigious SCI/Scopus-indexed journals (Q1/Q2) and presentations at national and international conferences. He has also acted as an "Ad hoc Reviewer" for various international journals. He has guided four Ph.D research scholars and also actively guiding two more Ph.D research scholars as Main Supervisor in Anna University, Chennai. 

In addition to his research endeavours, he has actively contributed to academic administration and faculty development. He organized a comprehensive six-day self-supported “Faculty Induction Program” for newly recruited faculty members and also delivered six guest lectures at various institutions. His administrative roles include serving as Dean (Student Support Systems), Head of the Department, Coordinator of the Research & Development Cell, and Question Paper Setter for Autonomous Institutions. 

His dedication to advancing education is further exemplified through his innovative teaching methodologies, including the development of models and teaching aids for activity-based learning. His commitment to academic excellence has been acknowledged with awards such as the AICTE Post Graduate Scholarship (GATE), incentives for publications and recognition for securing sponsored research grants.  


S. No. Name Qualifications Designation Email ID  
1 Dr K . A. Sundararaman M.E., Ph.D.,  Professor sundaramank@nprcolleges.org View Profile
2 Dr. C. Manivel M.E., Ph.D., Assistant Professor manivelc@nprcolleges.org View Profile
3 Mr. K. Aruna Senthil Kumar M.E., Assistant Professor aruna@nprcolleges.org View Profile
4 Mr. G. Sundararajan M.E., (Ph.D.) Assistant Professor sundararajan@nprcolleges.org View Profile
5 Mr. T. Balasubramani M.E., (Ph.D.) Assistant Professor balasubramanit@nprcolleges.org View Profile
6 Mr. M. Mathan Raj M.E., (Ph.D.) Assistant Professor mathanraj@nprcolleges.org View Profile
7 Mr. M. Prakash M.E., (Ph.D.)  Assistant Professor prakashm@nprcolleges.org View Profile
8 Mr. S. Suresh M.E., (Ph.D.) Assistant Professor sureshs@nprcolleges.org View Profile


Non-Teaching Faculty

S. No. Name Qualification Designation Email ID
1 Mr. A. Antony Alexandar M. E Design Lab In-Charge antonyalexandara@nprcolleges.org
2 Mr. S Srinivasa Kumar B.E MECH srinivasakumars@nprcolleges.org
3 Mr. V. Kannan DME Lab Technician kannanv@nprcolleges.org
4 Mr. T. Selvam DME selvamt@nprcolleges.org
5 Mr. M. Ajithkumar DME ajithkumarm@nprcolleges.org
6 Mr. A. Antony ITI, DME antonya@nprcolleges.org
7 Mr. A. Anbuselvan DME anbuselvana@nprcolleges.org


List of Faculties Pursuing Ph.D.

S. No. Name Designation University Month & Year of Registration Status
1 Mr. G. Sundararajan, Assistant Professor NIT, Pondichery February, 2023 Course work completed
2 Mr. T. Balasubramani, Assistant Professor NIT, Pondichery February, 2023 Course work completed
3 Mr. M. Mathan Raj, Assistant Professor Anna University January, 2024 Course work Registered
4 Mr. M. Prakash, Assistant Professor Anna University January, 2023 Course work ongoing


Student Details

Academic Year 2023 - 2024

S. No. Year No. of Students  
1 I 25 View Student List
2 II 31 View Student List
3 III 32 View Student List
4 IV 45 View Student List


Department Advisory Committee

Department of Mechanical Engineering - DAC Members list for AY 2021-2022 & 2022-2023

S. No.  DAC Members Designation Company / Institution DAC Position
1 Dr. B. Maruthu Kannan Principal NPRCET IQAC Chairman
2 Dr. T. Saravana Kannan Professor & Head, Mech. NPRCET Chairman Academic Member
3 Mr. M. Vijayakumar Assistant Manager, R & D Caterpillar India Engineering Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Chennai. R&D Members from Industry
4 Dr. G. Balakrishnan Engineering Manager Caterpillar India Engineering Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Chennai. Industry Member
5 Mr. K. Aruna Senthil Kumar Assistant Professor, Mech. NPRCET IQAC Coordinator, IQAC Department Coordinator
6 Dr. A. Hemalatha Professor & Head, Civil NPRCET Internal Members
7 Dr. K. Kanimozhi Professor & Head, EEE NPRCET
8 Dr. T. Priya Professor & Head, Mathematics NPRCET
9 Dr. P. S. Satheesh Kumar Professor & Head, Physics NPRCET
10 Dr. K. Ramanan Professor & Head, CSE NPRCET
11 Dr.S. Paulsingarayar Associate Professor, Mech. NPRCET
12 Mr. B. B. Arun Karthick Senior Engineer BOSCH Global Software Solutions, Bangalore. Alumni
13 Mr. M. Prakash Pandian System Engineer HCL Limited, Madurai.
14 Mr. M. Velpackiyaraj IV - Mech. NPRCET Student
15 Mr. R.Balakrishnan Retd., Technical Assistant Southern Railway, Palakkad, Kerala. Parent

Professional Societies

Department of Mechanical Engineering - Membership in Professional Societies

S. No. Name of the Society Membership Number Date of Establishment No. of faculty Members No. of Student Members

Curriculum & Syllabus

Course Outcomes

S. No. Batch Course Outcomes
1 2016-2020 View Course Outcomes
2 2017-2021 View Course Outcomes
3 2018-2022 View Course Outcomes
4 2019-2023 View Course Outcomes
5 2020-2024 View Course Outcomes

Digital Course Materials

S. No. Year / Semester Name of the Subject Link
1 II / III Engineering Materials and Metallurgy View Materials
2 Engineering Thermodynamics View Materials
3 Strength of Materials View Materials
4 II / IV Kinematics of Machinery View Materials
5 III / V Automobile Engineering View Materials
6 Design of Transmission System View Materials
7 Dynamics of Machines View Materials
8 III / VI Introduction to Industrial Engineering (Open Elective) View Materials
9 Heat and Mass Transfer View Materials
10 IV / VII Power Plant Engineering View Materials
11 Robotics View Materials
12 Maintenance Engineering Material View Materials
13 Mechatronics View Materials
14 Unconventional Machining Processes View Materials
15 IV / VIII Production Planning and Control View Materials
16 Principles of Management View Materials


Lecture Videos

S. No. Year / Semester Name of the Subject Title NPTEL Links Link for Lecture Video
1 II / III Engineering Mechanics Rectangular Force Component View View
Couple View
Paralllel Axis Theorm View
Dry Friction View
Circular Motion View
2 Engineering Thermodynamics Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics View  
First Law of Thermodynamics  View View
Second Law of Thermodynamics View  
Psychometric Processes View  
Vapor Power Cycle View
3 III / IV Welding Technology Physics of Welding Arc View  
Resistance Spot Welding View
Explosive Welding  View
Friction Stir Welding View View
Welding Defects View  
4 IV / VII Mechatronics Automatic Control View View
Element of Mechatronics View View
Introduction to Mechatronics View View
Measurement System View View
Sequential Control View View
5 Process Planning and Cost Estimation Introduction To Process Planning View View
Tool Selection View
Process Selection View
6 Engineering Economics Element Ary of Econom IC Analysis View View
Engineering Economics Analysis Procedure View
Elements of Cost View
7 Maintenance Engineering Objectives and Principles of Planned Maintenance Activity View View
Importance and Benefits of Dound Maintenance Systems View
Reliability and Machine Availability View
8 Dynamics of Machines Force on the Reciprocating Parts View View
Inertia effect of Connecting Rod View
Inertia effect of Piston View

Center of Excellence

Name of the Centre of Excellence: Advanced Manufacturing Processes Laboratory

Supporting industry/organization: Print Perfecto Private Limited, Madurai

Focus Area: Materials, Manufacturing processes, machining, Design and Automation


  • Instil and Familiarize with the function codes in machining.
  • Nature the tooling virtually and in real-time.
  • Uphold the knowledge in design through topical software
  • Upskill the students to incorporate the ideal for prototyping into their learning.


  • Real-time experience with advanced turning and milling centers •    
  • Gain expertise in software like Solid Works, ANSYS, and Ultimate Cura •  
  • Build models and prototypes using fused deposition modeling machines.


  • Name of the project: Design and Fabrication of development of Humanoid Robot System for Cleaning Sewage by 3D Printed Parts
  • Project team: Gowthaman M; Iman Mohammed T; Rakesh M; Ruban P (Batch: 2019-2023) Guided by: Mr. T. Balasubramani (AP/Mech)
  • Event name:  ARABAM (8th Edition) organized by NATIVE LEAD at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai on 9th November 2022
  • Achievement:  Second Prize (Cash Award Rs.10,000.00)

Distinguished Alumni



Department of Mechanical Engineering - Newsletter: MECH-IGNITE

S. No. Academic Year Volumes Issues
1 2019-2020 Volume - I Issue - I
2 Issue - II
3 2020-2021 Volume - II Issue - I
4 Issue - II
5 2021-2022 Volume - III Issue - I
6 Issue - II
7 2022-2023 Volume - IV Issue - I
8 Issue - II



S. No. Name of the institution/ industry/ corporate house with whom MoU is signed Year of signing MoU  Duration  Date of Signed Closing period
1 Osho Body Builders India Pvt. Ltd., Madurai 2021-2022 5 years 09.02.2022 09.02.2027
2 Thermal Solutions (India) Private Limited, Dindigul 2021-2022 5 years 02.02.2022 02.02.2027
3 JM Frictech India Pvt. Ltd., Chennai 2019-2020 3 years 11.09.2019 11.09.2022
4 Bnazrum Agro Exports Pvt. ltd., Dindigul 2018-2019 3 years 10.08.2018 10.08.2021
5 Asians Motors Passenger Car Service Centre, Dindigul 2015-2016 2 years 10.12.2015 10.12.2017


Technical Magazine

Department of Mechanical Engineering - Technical Magazine: MECH-IGNITE

S. No. Academic Year Volumes
1 2019-2020 Volume - I
2 2020-2021 Volume - II
3 2021-2022 Volume - III
4 2022-2023 Volume - IV


Industrial Visit, In Plant Training & Internship